Configurable end-to-end lending platform for your business
Take control of your lending processes with a fully configurable, user-friendly and AI-powered solution. Tailored to meet your needs and suitable for all stakeholder such as DSA, Loan Aggregator, NBFC, Banks & Financial Services Organization etc. No coding required. The Kreditgro LOS allows loan officers to access everything they need to originate and close more loans, in less time, from any location.
Lenders of every size trust the Kreditgro Loan Origination System (LOS) to originate more loans, lower costs, reduce time to close, and make smarter business decisions.
Customer Journey Automation
Design your Customer Application Journey with complete integration with document extraction, verification & analysis to complete the journey easily & quickly
DSA Management
Empower your DSA to submit the application in digitally to bring efficiency in your partner management.
AI Driven Decision Engine
Proprietary AI and machine learning lets you automate and streamline your lending processes, and evaluate potential borrowers quickly and accurately.
Decision Orchestration
Build complex Decisioning logic and tailor-fit your product policy into our configurable Decision Orchestration engine for quick and accurate Decisioning.
Document OCR & Analytics
Integrate quickly, confidently and securely with 75+ data sources to your quick transformation of document as well as its verification in real time with Analytics.
Dashboard, Email & SMS Notifications
Integrate quickly with dashboard, email and SMS services to set custom notifications and keep track of every lending cycle.
Simplifying the Complexities without Complications leading to better customer experience as Customer gets hassle free loans quickly.
Customer Experience
Reduces the time taken by customer to provide Document & other information by almost 50% as well as empower customer to submit application at his own convenience
Operation Efficiency
Reduces Manpower cost substantially at Banks ends to process the application as only filtered applications reached to the loan officer.
Lower Turnaround Time
Turnaround time reduces from few days to weeks to few hours enabling customer satisfaction leading to more business.

Improve Compliance
Risk of compliance reduces substantially as all documents are verified and checked from multiple sources for consistency and accuracy
Fuelling Growth
Reduced Turnaround time and Operational efficiency leads to growth in Loan Portfolio as well as reduces default rated resulting in growth with profit.